The Roman Elegaic Poets gathers together works from elegy's four most celebrated practitioners: Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid. This classic college textbook contains a comprehensive selection from the whole field of Roman elegy. Its English commentary and copious scholarly notes offer the student an extensive acquaintance with elegiac poetry. It is accompanied by Professor Harrington's classic introduction, which contains analysis of elegy's history and evolution, and detailed biographies of the four authors, together with in-depth consideration of their impact upon the form.
This edition of Harrington's judicious collection provides an accessible introduction to the elegy and to the works of some of the most influential poets of Rome's 'golden age', and will be of value to students, academics, and general readers alike.
This extensive anthology of Roman elegiac writings has a much wider offering of literature and much deeper and more comprehensive notes and commentary than others.
Horace Fully Parsed: Word by Word: Books I and II of Horace Odes