New Testament Greek: A Reading Course is a complete introductory course in Koine Greek that offers a clear, step-by-step approach to the fundamentals needed to read the New Testament in its original language. Concepts are presented in small, manageable increments, followed by short exercises that promote mastery. With a wealth of practice drills, readings, and conceptual questions, New Testament Greek: A Reading Course is ideal for many kinds of learners—including those in homeschool, college, and seminary, as well as autodidacts. Levels 1 and 2 of the student text are each accompanied by a teacher’s manual and a workbook with its own teacher’s manual.
This comprehensive program helps establish a strong foundation in biblical Greek. Each chapter logically and methodically builds on previously introduced material. New Testament Greek: A Reading Course does not assume any prior experience with Greek, or other inflected languages. Abundant practice, starting with the alphabet, allows learners to proceed at a pace appropriate for their goals and needs.
In its approach, New Testament Greek: A Reading Course firmly grounds itself in the Koine Greek of the Bible. Scope and sequence proceeds according to vocabulary and grammar most frequently used in the New Testament. In Level 2, learners read excerpts from more than 1,100 verses from the New Testament. Nearly 100 additional biblical verses illustrate important concepts. Those who have completed both levels of the series will have read from more than 1,600 biblical verses in total! An index of Greek citations makes it easy to locate a particular reference.
Level 2 of New Testament Greek: A Reading Course presents the following language topics:
- verb tenses: present, imperfect, future, aorist, perfect, and pluperfect
- voice: active, middle, and passive
- deponent and semi-deponent verbs
- verb principal parts
- participles
- imperative mood
- infinitives
- subjunctive mood
- optative mood
- conditional clauses and logical reasoning

Elizabeth Wise
Classical Language Chair
Greek & Latin Teacher
Loyola Blakefield High School
Towson, MD