Carmina Burana Cantiones Profanae

  • Translator: Judith Lynn Sebesta
  • Product Code: 2689
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-268-6
  • Pages: 165
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback x

Carl Orff's 24 selections from the 200 beloved medieval poems of the Carmina Burana celebrate the universal range of human emotion and experience: passion, longing, exuberance, humor, rebellion, ennui, and resignation. Now tender, now tragic; secular, yet reverent; the poems of the Carmina touch the chords of our purest and darkest spirituality. An excellent resource for the student, the performer, the audience, and the general reader.

Special Features

  • Dual-language edition with original Latin poems and facing English translation
  • 18 medieval woodcut prints and 17 original illustrations
  • Facing vocabulary
  • Glossary
  • Essays on medieval poetry and Latin, the selections, and Carl Orff
  • Text suitable for use as a libretto
  • Additional literary translation by Jeffrey M. Duban

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