A Short Guide to Classical Mythology

  • Author: G.M. Kirkwood

  • 309X
  • 978-0-86516-309-6
  • Paperback
  • 120

A concise, user-friendly, quick reference for general readers, students and teachers, Kirkwood's text provides a user-friendly, quick reference guide for teachers, students, and general readers.


Classical Mythology & More: A Reader Workbook

Using Greek and Roman primary sources, this workbook for the twenty-first century offers middle- and high-school aged students in Classics, English and Language Arts classes a fresh retelling of timeless tales from Hesiod, Homer, Ovid and other authors. A wide variety of exercises, reflections, and vocabulary enrichment tasks accompany each myth. Students preparing for the ACL Medusa Myth Exam and the ACL National Mythology Exam will find in this an indispensable tool. Creation myths, stories of the Olympians and Titans, legends of the Trojan War cycle, love stories and tales of transformation are all included here. A teacher resource section provides historical, archaeological, artistic and psychological background, ideas for further research and exploration, as well as hands-on class activities.

Paperback xii+460

Classical Mythology and More: A Reader Workbook – TG

Teacher's Guide: This Guide provides background information and suggestions for further research to stimulate student involvement with the text, along with teacher aids to aid assessment of student progress: Chapter Answer Keys and Chapter Tests with their own Answer Keys.


From Rome to Reformation: Early European History for the New Millennium

  • 7184
  • 978-0-86516-718-6
  • Paperback
  • 95

Rose Williams skillfully leads the reader through the maze of power plays and the gradual rise of sovereign states that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire. Readers will appreciate Williams' engaging style and her ability to synthesize succinctly this busy period of history. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between literature and the era in which it was produced, From Rome to Reformation: Early European History for the New Millennium provides a comprehensive overview of the interconnecting historical events, literary figures, and intellectual developments in European history and its Latin literature. This is a perfect companion text for courses in the humanities, western civilization, and Latin.

Paperback xviii

From Romulus to Romulus Augustulus: Roman History for the New Millennium

  • 6919
  • 978-0-86516-691-2
  • Paperback
  • 80

Readers will delight in the fascinating stories of Rome—the quirky, the gory, and the momentous. This book will serve as the perfect companion for the student beginning to study Latin or as an accessible introduction to Roman history for the general reader. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between literature and the period in which it was produced, From Romulus to Romulus Augustulus: Roman History for the New Millennium provides a comprehensive overview of Roman history and Latin literature.

Paperback x+70

Gilgamesh: A Reader

  • Editor: John Maier

  • 3499
  • 978-0-86516-349-2
  • Hardcover
  • 504

Gilgamesh: A Reader provides 25 interpretive essays on the epic that stands at the dawn of literature. This collection is designed to enrich the reader's background with selections from experts on Near Eastern literature; to draw connections between Gilgamesh and other literature with interdisciplinary selections; to enliven interest in the world's oldest epic; and to stimulate thought and discussion. Influences of Gilgamesh on later literature, philological and literary studies since 1982, and Gilgamesh from other perspectives are the three broad areas covered.


Gilgamesh: A Reader

  • Editor: John Maier

  • 3391
  • 978-0-86516-339-3
  • Paperback
  • 504

Gilgamesh: A Reader provides 25 interpretive essays on the epic that stands at the dawn of literature. This collection is designed to enrich the reader's background with selections from experts on Near Eastern literature; to draw connections between Gilgamesh and other literature with interdisciplinary selections; to enliven interest in the world's oldest epic; and to stimulate thought and discussion. Influences of Gilgamesh on later literature, philological and literary studies since 1982, and Gilgamesh from other perspectives are the three broad areas covered.


Gilgamis Destani: The Epic of Gilgamesh in Turkish

The Turkish edition of the Gilgamesh, Gilgamis Desani, is a faithful translation of Jackson's rendition. This first translation in Turkish contains the entire content of the Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers edition: Introduction by Robert D. Biggs; Appreciation by James G. Keenan; eighteen photographs of artifacts, captioned by Robert D. Biggs; 'My Poetic Intention' by Danny P. Jackson; all twelve tablets of the Gilgamesh text; glossary of proper names; and fifteen original woodcuts by Thom Kapheim.


Gods and Other Odd Creatures

A tongue-in-cheek but scholarly-grounded survey of Greek and Roman mythology, Gods and Other Odd Creatures offers some unique features. It begins with a careful comparison of the twelve great Olympians of the Greeks and the twelve Di Consentes of the Romans. They are generally considered equivalent but there are differences—in fact, they are not even exactly the same twelve. Ceres, for example, is a member of the Di Consentes, while Demeter is not an Olympian. The book discusses how the Romans group the gods differently than do the Greeks. For example, the Roman gods tend to fall into triads that have triple temples. Some of these triads are patrician, some plebeian, and their duties and the like are not quite the same as those of their Greek counterparts. Some important Roman gods have no Greek counterparts. The last part of the book is a detailed study of the two cultures' temples and festivals, which tell so much about a society and its worship. Throughout the book, Williams stresses the ancient attitude toward divinity, which was very differnt from the modern one. Excerpts from Cicero and other ancient writers commenting on the gods document the ancient attitude.

Paperback vi + 134

Latina Mythica II Troia Capta

  • By author: Bonnie A. Catto

  • 8253
  • 978-0-86516-825-1
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers

Take a trip into the myths and battles of the Trojan War. Dress in drag or pretend madness to avoid the fight; join the aristeia of Diomedes; follow Odysseus as he steals the Palladium; and more. This book offers students the opportunity to enjoy not only the story of the Iliad but the myths before and after in the Trojan Cycle— all in Latin epic style. Latina Mythica II: Troia Capta has twenty chapters. The first two chapters cover mythical material that occurs well before the action of the Iliad. Then, after including much of the action of the Iliad itself, the book concludes with two chapters telling the stories beyond the epic to give a more complete sense of the myth of Troy. It is designed for students who have completed the study of Latin grammar, usually one year of college or two to three years of high school. Facing-page grammatical/vocabulary notes boost reading speed and reader confidence.


Poet & Artist: Imaging the Aeneid

Poet and Artist is a winning combination of a CD that features the Ogilby plates (included by John Dryden in his translation of the Aeneid) and a student edition of the AP* lines of Vergil's epic, complete with questions about Vergil's Latin masterpiece. By juxtaposing the images on the plates, the text of Vergil, and the useful questions to be used as guidelines, the authors have enabled students to increase their comprehension of the Latin passage and its textual details and to reflect more critically upon the text and the artist's canvas.

Paperback xvi+88

The Art of the Aeneid: Second Edition

  • 598X
  • 978-0-86516-598-4
  • Paperback
  • 138

Anderson's narrative in The Art of the Aeneid provides the modern reader fresh insights into Vergil, into the Aeneid. His analysis illuminates the literary and historical context and covers each of the twelve books of one of the greatest and most enduring works of Latin literature.

Paperback vi