3 Plays by Plautus

  • Author: Paul Roche

  • 035X
  • 978-0-86516-035-4
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
  • 288

Based on the perennial dilemmas and follies of man, Plautus created timeless comedies that retain their ability to amuse and entertain. This edition includes a stimulating analysis of Plautus' approach to comedy and background on the social and political customs of his times.

Paperback xvi

A Byzantine Novel: Drosilla and Charikles, by Niketas Eugenianos

  • Translator: Joan Burton

  • 536X
  • 978-0-86516-536-6
  • Paperback
  • 207

Niketas Eugenianos's Drosilla and Charikles is one of four existing Byzantine (12th-century) Greek novels. These novels represent the rebirth of the ancient novel after a hiatus of eight centuries in the deeply Christian world of Constantinople. Written under the Komnenian dynasty and during the time of the crusades these novels revived the pagan Greek world with its pagan gods and beliefs, and also reflected the customs and beliefs of their own time.

Paperback xxvi

A Glossary of Terms in Grammar, Rhetoric, and Prosody for Readers of Greek and Latin: A Vade Mecum

This book is a glossary of terms in grammar, rhetoric, and prosody that students of Greek and Latin commonly encounter in their first three years of study. While English grammar is the focus the links with Greek and Latin grammar are explained and some Greek and Latin constructions that do not occur in English are defined.


A Handbook of Greek Literature: From Homer to the Age of Lucian

  • Author: H.J. Rose

  • 3219
  • 978-0-86516-321-8
  • Paperback
  • 464

Rose's Handbook is a brief, accurate account of Greek literature from Homer to Lucian , written in continuous narrative, complete in itself and assuming no previous acquaintance with Greek writings.


A Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone: Lingua Latina Depicta

Designed for Latin students, A Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone asks the learner to make a ready connection between an image and its corresponding Latin word. Illustrated exercises provide an opportunity for students to practice with and internalize the Latin vocabulary.


A Roman Map Workbook: 2nd Edition - TG

A teacher's guide for A Roman Map Workbook 2nd Edition.

A Roman Map Workbook meets the needs of today’s students and introduces them to the geography of Rome and the Roman world. Veteran high school and college Latin teacher Elizabeth Heimbach provides students, especially those studying Latin, with a thorough grounding in the geography of the Roman world. The workbook walks students through each map, discussing the importance of each place-name, making connections to Roman history and literature. The carefully chosen maps complement subjects and periods covered in the Latin and ancient history classroom.


A Short Guide to Classical Mythology

  • Author: G.M. Kirkwood

  • 309X
  • 978-0-86516-309-6
  • Paperback
  • 120

A concise, user-friendly, quick reference for general readers, students and teachers, Kirkwood's text provides a user-friendly, quick reference guide for teachers, students, and general readers.


Ab omni parte beatus: Classical Essays in Honor of James M. May

  • 8431
  • 978-0-86516-843-5
  • Bolchazy-Carducci

In this Festschrift colleagues and former students of James M. May, Professor of Classics at Saint Olaf College, join forces to honor him on the occasion of his retirement. The book’s Latin title, Ab omni parte beatus, “blessed from every perspective” (a recast of Horace, Odes 2.16.27–28), suggests the wide sweep of Jim May's accomplishments and the far-flung success he has enjoyed in his forty-year career as teacher, scholar, and administrator; it also alludes to the excellence he displays in every aspect of his life.


Aeschylus Prometheus Bound

  • Translator: Paul Roche
    Illustrator: Thom Kapheim

  • 2387
  • 978-0-86516-238-9
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
  • 108

In his Prometheus Bound, the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus presents the dramatic conflict between the free spirit of human progress and the limitations set by divine law. Prometheus was chained to a mountain, sentenced to endure a hideous and eternal torture for wresting fire from the gods to bring it to earth. His story has become a universal symbol for human strength of character, achievement, and enlightenment. Roche's translation captures the force, the beauty and the nobility of the original play.

Paperback xx

Aeschylus: Seven Against Thebes

  • 3375
  • 978-0-86516-337-9
  • Paperback
  • 64

Seven Against Thebes captured first prize for its playwright in its premier performance at the 467 BC Athenian drama festival. A veteran soldier who lost a brother in combat, Aeschylus vividly evokes the tangible terror, the scent of slaughter and the complete rout of the body and spirit that are the awful spoils of war. From the heart of the battle to the heart of the city, the cost of bloodshed is devastating and inescapable.


Ancient Epic Poetry: Homer, Apollonius, Virgil With a Chapter on the Gilgamesh Poems

  • 6072
  • 978-0-86516-607-3
  • Paperback
  • 318

Charles Rowan Beye's critically acclaimed interpretive introduction to the epic poetry and poets of Ancient Greece, Rome, and Assyria is here reprinted in an expanded second edition with a new preface, new chapter on Gilgamesh, and an Appendix of Further Reading 1993–2005.

Paperback x

Asconius Commentaries on Five Speeches of Cicero

  • Author: Simon Squires

  • 2204
  • 978-0-86516-220-4
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
  • 176

Students and scholars of Latin, history, and literature will find this to be an outstanding book that offers insights into the lives of Cicero and Asconius, as well as a fascinating look at Rome in the first century BCE. Commentaries by Asconius are included with the text and translation of these speeches by Cicero: In Pisonem, Pro Scauro, Pro Milone, Pro Cornelio, and In Toga Candida.
