We strive toward excellence in both product and service for scholars, teachers, students, and friends so that, as a community, we may be a link to a better future by bringing forward the lessons of the past.

eLitterae Archive

eLitterae's regular features include background information on authors and works in development, teaching tips and resources (often including a download from a B-C book for one-time class use), a special discount for subscribers, announcements about classics conferences and events, reports from regional and national classics conferences, interesting tidbits about matters classical, webinar schedules, a calendar of pertinent deadlines, and other items of interest to classics teachers. Lynne West of San Jose's Bellarmine College Prep provides a "Tech Tip" in every other issue. In the alternate issues, master teachers provide teaching tips.

eLitterae 2023 click on the month to view eNewsletter content.

eLitterae 2022 click on the month to view eNewsletter content.

eLitterae 2021 click on the month to view eNewsletter content.