We strive toward excellence in both product and service for scholars, teachers, students, and friends so that, as a community, we may be a link to a better future by bringing forward the lessons of the past.

Style Sheet for Submitting Manuscripts

Description of our catalog

We specialize in books dealing with the ancient and medieval world, with some contemporary titles. We act as a link between the past and future, specializing in Latin and Greek textbooks and scholarly works, as well as contemporary titles for reference and cultural education. Categories for our books include:

  • Latin Textbooks and Studies
  • Latin and Greek Scholarship
  • Greek Textbooks and Studies
  • Epic and Mythology
  • Religion

Please send your manuscript to

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., Attn: Acquisitions Editor, 1000 Brown St., Unit 301, Wauconda, IL 60084 or to manuscripts@bolchazy.com. (No phone calls).

Guidelines for Initial Submissions

Author should submit a cover letter describing the intended book (including a table of contents, estimated length, list of charts, tables, or necessary images), the audience/market, and the estimated date of completion. Please also include a sample of approximately 25 pages. If hardcopy please submit document on 8.5" x 11" paper, double spaced, single sided, black ink, and pages numbered. If electronic, please submit both as a Word document and as a PDF. Author must include complete contact information with manuscript submission. This information includes full name, address, e-mail address, and daytime phone number. When a manuscript is received the editor will contact the author, via email, acknowledging receipt of manuscript and indicating approximately how long before a decision will be made on the manuscript. The editor will request that a book information sheet and author information form be completed.

If a manuscript is rejected the editor will contact the author, via email or a letter.

If a manuscript is accepted the editor will advise the author and submit a letter of intent.

After the complete manuscript has been submitted according to the guidelines that follow and has passed an initial evaluation, the editor will forward the manuscript to peer reviewers. If the manuscript passes peer reviews and the author incorporates recommended changes, a contract will be issued.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

When a manuscript is accepted, an editor will be assigned to the book. The editor will advise the author on formatting requirements as the manuscript is being completed. Below are some general guidelines.
All manuscripts must be submitted in as Word documents. Recommended typefaces (fonts): Palatino Linotype or Times New Roman.
When the manuscript has been accepted after passing peer review, the final draft must be submitted as follows in order to facilitate typesetting:

Line Spacing and Word Spacing

Type all copy flush left, rag right, including heads. Use a single space between sentences. Do not try to format your manuscript to book appearance.

Paragraph Indents and Tabs

Use the tab key to indent the first line of paragraphs. If you need to indent to identify an element, such as a multiple column list or extract, use tab settings instead of multiple spaces. Use a paragraph break (return) only when you intend to start a new paragraph. Do not break lines within a paragraph using a return.

Hyphenation and Spelling

Use your word-processing package or Webster's New World Dictionary, eleventh edition for spelling and capitalization standards. Do not hyphenate words at the ends of lines.

Special Characters

(Em dash and en dash) If your word processing program and system support true em, and en dashes, use them. If not, use two hyphens (with no space before, after, or between them) to indicate an em dash. In Microsoft Word for Windows, create an em dash by pressing alt+0151 and create an en dash by pressing alt+0150. Your editor can explain the rules for usage on these two dashes.

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

For bulleted lists, use an asterisk to represent a bullet. Type the asterisk, followed by a tab to the text. For numbered lists, type the number followed by a period, then tab to the text. Do not boldface the numbers. Do not use the automatic numbering or automatic footnote numbering feature that your word processor may provide.

Tabular Material (Tables) & Illustrations

Prepare tables in a separate file. Indicate within the manuscript the placement of tables and/or art by typing a reference on a separate line after the paragraph where the table or illustration is to be inserted. ***Table 4.1*** (followed by the table's or illustration's caption) Using asterisks will make them easier to find.

Footnotes and Endnotes

Use superscript or superior letters to mark footnotes in text and in tables or charts. Type all footnotes double-spaced at the end of each chapter numbered to match the footnote reference (superscript) that appears within the text. Do not use the automatic footnote numbering feature that your word processor may provide.

Miscellaneous Do and Don'ts

Keep the following basic points in mind as you type your manuscript. Make a backup of your files. Keep your original files of the manuscript and send us a backup copy.

When typing fractions, use full-size characters separated by a slash mark.

It is not important to make your manuscript approximate a typeset page. Use only default margins. Ignore the impressive capabilities of your word processor, such as justify, automatic footnote numbering, and graphic capabilities. Do not perform extensive formatting and page layout functions in the word processing program; most of it will not translate correctly during the conversion process or when importing into the page layout program.

Be consistent with your files and keyboard all elements the same way. Files that contain varying styles for the same elements produce the highest error rate. If the look of the manuscript is important to you as you write, use your word processor style sheets, generally found on the home screen. Unlike normal formatting, the style sheets can be quickly changed or removed in proofreading saving time and errors.

Manuscripts containing foreign language characters and macrons (e.g., Greek, Latin, etc.) must be typed using a character set that will output to our design software. Files typed using "Unicode" character set will not output correctly to our system or to the book printers system.

Files containing Greek characters typed using "GREEK KEYS" will not be accepted. If you have Greek characters in your manuscript we suggest using the font Palatino Linotype or another open type* font selecting "Windows Greek" in the Character Set menu of your computer's Character Map window.

Scans of the original Latin or Greek must be provided with the manuscript for proofreading.

If you are reproducing Latin or Greek verse please use tabs and returns to recreate the appearance of the poem (not spaces). Please place any line numbers on the left of the verse.

Submitting images to be placed in your manuscript: Images placed into a Microsoft Word document will not be accepted as final artwork for the typeset book. Images must be separate files that have been scanned at 600–1200 dpi, full size, saved as grayscale, and .tif format. If you do not have the capability of providing images to these specifications, originals must be provided and a Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers designer will scan the images for the publication.

Indicate in your WORD document where the images should be placed with a NOTE typed in BOLDand one return space before and after.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.

Business Office
1000 Brown St., Unit 301
Wauconda, Illinois 60084 USA

General Office Phone: 847-526-4344
Fax: 847-526-2867