A Recital of Ancient Greek Poetry : The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature

  • Readings and Performance: Stephen Daitz

  • 00018
  • 829218-00018

This DVD contains MP3 recordings of poetry from Homer, Mimnermos, Xenophanes, Arkhilokhos, Alkman, Sappho, Stesikhoros, Timotheus, Alkaios, Anakreon, Simonides, Pindar, Timotheos, Seikilos, Aiskhylos, Sophokles, Euripides, and Aristophanes.

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A Recital of Classical Latin Oratory and Poetry : The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature

  • Readings and Performance: Stephen Daitz

  • 00016
  • 829218-00016

This DVD contains MP3 recordings of oratory and poetry by Cicero, Catullus, Horace, Ovid, Vergil, and Statius.

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Aristophanes' Birds : The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature

  • Readings and Performance: Stephen Daitz

  • 00011
  • 829218-00011

This DVD contains unabridged MP3 recording of Aristophanes' Birds.


Athens v Sparta: The History of the Peloponnesian War CD

It is not without due cause that historians and scholars have attempted to understand and retell Thucydides’s story of the Peloponnesian War, without pause, since it was first written. Athens v. Sparta now joins that tradition, infusing the classic narrative of the Peloponnesian War with a take that is vibrant, modern, and above all, musical. Led by a veteran of the San Antonio and Austin indie music scene, Charlie Roadman, Athens v. Sparta was inspired by Thucydides and his successor Xenophon (who took up the history upon Thucydides’s death) to create a new version, capturing the gravity of the ancient narrative within the approachable framework of well-crafted latter-day musical sensibilities. The result is a vivid, fascinating, occasionally humorous, and often surprising fusion, which achieves its aim well: to present the fullness of the war, its circumstances and consequences, to ears not yet attuned to the niceties and nuances of ancient history. The CD educates and entertains. It is ideal for garnering the interest of students new to Greece and the classical world.

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Baroque Music II from the Bolivian Rainforest

  • Conductor: Piotr Nawrot

  • 0012
  • B002FKPPDU

Volume two features Latin music by Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726) and Chiquito Indians of South America during the Jesuit missionary period. The Metropolis Chamber Players join the Cathedral Singers on this recording.


Carmina Popularia: Well-known Songs in Latin

Treat your ears, your soul, and your students to the beautiful, clear Latin vocals of C. C. Couch and the amazing, new musical arrangements of Teddy Irwin.

Audio CD

Cicero's First Catilinarian Oration: A Digital Tutor

  • 6447
  • 978-0-86516-644-8
  • DVD
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.

This innovative DVD contains commentaries and digital manuscripts designed for viewing on either a PC or Macintosh platform in the classroom or at home. Over five hours of video lectures illustrate how to translate every sentence of Cicero's In Catilinam I without actually translating the sentence.


Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency: Phrase Book and Dictionary

The Audio Conversations CD is available as a download not a physical CD. Use this link to the download product page.

The audio conversations are the perfect companion for John Traupman's Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency. The recordings bring the printed dialogs to life and give students experienced guides for accurate pronunciation of Latin. The conversations are easy to follow and engaging for students of all abilities. Topics range from family life to troubles with cars, all in good Roman idiom.

The reading was organized and supervised by Mark Miner.

(can be used with both the 3rd and 4th editions)

Audio CD
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Euripides' Hekabe : The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature

  • Readings and Performance: Stephen Daitz

  • 00012
  • 829218-00012

This DVD contains unabridged MP3 recording of Euripides' Hekabe.


Latin Aloud: Audio AP* Selections from Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Cicero, and Horace

  • Readings and Performance: Robert Sonkowsky

  • 00007
  • 8-29218-00007-3
  • CD-ROM
  • Bolchazy-Carducci

Listen to Cicero on MP3 or M4A audio for iPods, computers, and contemporary CD players. Dr. Robert Sonkowsky reads from Cicero's de Amicitia and all of the Pro Archia in the Restored Classical Latin pronunciation. Available on MP3 CD (includes readings from Cicero and other AP authors), or download readings from Cicero via bolchazy.com. M4A files include the complete text of each reading, plus audio


Latin Everywhere, Everyday: A Latin Phrase Workbook Teacher's Manual with audio

This teacher's manual to Latin Everywhere, Everyday contains the answers to all the exercises in the student workbook along with additional exercises and answers for those who have studied Latin. Some additional games and projects are also included in the teacher's manual and the audio download offers a Latin pronunciation of each phrase, motto, and abbreviation.

Paperback iv+164

Latin Music Through the Ages

  • 2425
  • 978-0-86516-242-6
  • Paperback
  • 128

Latin text, English translation, vocabulary, essays, and bibliography to accompany the musical performance. This is also the libretto for audio-CD listening.
