Light-hearted in tone but faithful to the facts, this readable volume interweaves the story of Cicero's private life and feelings with the development of his public life and his literary output. Details and commentary on Cicero's speeches, letters, and philosophical writings highlight the events in his world which served as background for some of the most poignant, as well as the most dramatic, writing ever done in Latin. Williams shows the human side of the renowned orator and thereby allows the reader to savor Cicero's dreams, disappointments, and pursuits.
Students will enjoy this volume that completes the gaps in a student's knowledge of Cicero. The ethical principles that propelled the orator to courageous and ultimately fatal undertakings are told with memorable twists of language that offer comic relief and enhance the appreciation for Cicero as a total person.
An extensive glossary explaining customs and practices such as salutationes and the Lupercalia along with a timeline of Cicero's major works and the events of his life make this book an invaluable resource for both students and teachers.
Special Features
- Complete description of the events of Cicero's life
- Complete description of the historical circumstances of Cicero's life
- A timeline of historical events and the publication of Cicero's works
- An explanation of terms necessary to know (e.g. cursus honorum – the steps on the political ladder in Cicero's time)
- A summary of Cicero's life in a one-page format

Light hearted volume interweaves the stories of Cicero's private life and his political and literary career.