Gilgamesh: A Reader

  • Editor: John Maier
  • Product Code: 3499
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-349-2
  • Pages: 504
  • Availability: In stock

Gilgamesh: A Reader provides 25 interpretive essays on the epic that stands at the dawn of literature. This collection is designed to enrich the reader's background with selections from experts on Near Eastern literature; to draw connections between Gilgamesh and other literature with interdisciplinary selections; to enliven interest in the world's oldest epic; and to stimulate thought and discussion. Influences of Gilgamesh on later literature, philological and literary studies since 1982, and Gilgamesh from other perspectives are the three broad areas covered.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is often neglected in studies of literature, mythology, and religion because many general readers, teachers, and students lack familiarity with the ancient Near Eastern milieu from which the epic springs. This reader elucidates Gilgamesh's context and connection to later literatures.

Special Features

  • An introduction that describes the difficulties of translating Gilgamesh and discusses the controversial "flood episode"
  • 25 interpretive essays by Assyriologists and nonspecialists
  • Comprehensive Gilgamesh bibliography to 1994, with over 1500 entries

Write a Review
Gilgamesh: A Reader is a valued and significant contribution to the growing body of literature on the oldest known, recorded myth – and the templated for the hero saga as it has come down to us through the past four millennia. Highly recommended.
– Midwest Book Review