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Amat victoria curam: Victory likes careful preparation
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This quote about victory is fitting before an image of Rome's Colosseum.
Experientia docet: Experience teaches
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A weathered column stands behind this line from Tacitus.
Modus omnibus in rebus: Moderation in all things
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An Athenian tetradrachm provides the background for this quote from Plautus.
Saepe summa ingenia in occulto: Often the greatest minds lie hidden.
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Theatrical masks on a Roman mosaic from the Capitoline Museums drive home Plautus's point.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.: Knowledge itself is power
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An open book lies behind this quote, possibly from Sir Francis Bacon.
Non est ad astra mollis e terris via:The trip from the earth to the stars is not an easy one
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Seneca's words work well with this photograph of the Eagle nebula, "Pillars of Creation," captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
Nihil est...simul et inventum et perfectum.: Nothing is simultaneously both conceived and perfected
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A bust of Cicero in the Capitoline Museums is behind this line from Cicero.
Damnant quod non intellegunt: They condemn what they do not understand
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Together this quote and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina nod to the Library of Alexandria, lost in antiquity.
Errare est humanum.: To err is human
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Eraser shavings serve as a nice addendum to this quote.
Mens sana in corpore sano.: A sound mind in a sound body
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The Pseudo-Athlete of Delos, from the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, illustrates this line from Juvenal.
Ars longa, vita brevis: Art is long, life is short
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Raphael's fresco, "The School of Athens," from the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, helps reiterate this Hippocratic translation.
Cogito, ergo sum: I think, therefore I am
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Rodin's sculpture, "The Thinker," sitting in the garden of the Rodin museum, seems to ponder Descartes here.