Donlan's 1980 seminal work, The Aristocratic Ideal in Ancient Greece: Attitudes of Superiority from Homer to the End of the Fifth Century B.C., in combination with the reprinting of eight of Donlan's other related works, spanning the years 1970-1994.
The Aristocratic Ideal
- The Ideal of the Warrior-Aristocrat
- The Old Ideal under Challenge
- The Crisis of Identity: Theognis and Pindar
- The Aristocratic Ideal in the Classical Period
- Aristocratic Life-Style in the Fifth Century BC
Selected Papers
- Changes and Shifts in the Meaning of Demos in the Literature of the Archaic Period (1970)
- The Tradition of Anti-Aristocratic Thought in Early Greek Poetry (1973)
- The Structure of Authority in the Iliad (1979)
- The Unequal Exchange Between Glaucus and Diomedes in Light of the Homeric Gift-Economy (1989)
- The Pre-State Community in Greece (1989)
- Homeric tsmenoz and the Land Economy of the Dark Age (1989)
- Duelling with Gifts in the Iliad: As the Audience Saw It (1983)
- Chief and Followers in Pre-State Greece (1994)
You can be the first one to write a review.

Approaches to the study of ancient history have changed so considerably in the last generation that it is often difficult to discover works of true durability. One exception to that rule has recently been reprinted: Walter Dolan's The Aristocratic Ideal […]. The study remains, in the words of one 1983 reviewer, "a 'golden treasury.'"
Eight selected papers newly reprinted with The Aristocratic Ideal are a fine enrichment of the book.
The collection could provide excellent supplementary reading in upper-division courses on Greek history or literature or philosophy […].
by: Carol G. Thomas,– Bryn Mawr Classical Review