The Aristocratic Ideal and Selected Papers

  • Author: Walter Donlan
  • Product Code: 4118
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-411-6
  • Pages: 384
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback xviii+364

Donlan's 1980 seminal work, The Aristocratic Ideal in Ancient Greece: Attitudes of Superiority from Homer to the End of the Fifth Century B.C., in combination with the reprinting of eight of Donlan's other related works, spanning the years 1970-1994.

The Aristocratic Ideal

  • The Ideal of the Warrior-Aristocrat
  • The Old Ideal under Challenge
  • The Crisis of Identity: Theognis and Pindar
  • The Aristocratic Ideal in the Classical Period
  • Aristocratic Life-Style in the Fifth Century BC

Selected Papers

  • Changes and Shifts in the Meaning of Demos in the Literature of the Archaic Period (1970)
  • The Tradition of Anti-Aristocratic Thought in Early Greek Poetry (1973)
  • The Structure of Authority in the Iliad (1979)
  • The Unequal Exchange Between Glaucus and Diomedes in Light of the Homeric Gift-Economy (1989)
  • The Pre-State Community in Greece (1989)
  • Homeric tsmenoz and the Land Economy of the Dark Age (1989)
  • Duelling with Gifts in the Iliad: As the Audience Saw It (1983)
  • Chief and Followers in Pre-State Greece (1994)

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