The Red Flare: Cicero's On Old Age

  • Translator: G.B. Cobbold
  • Product Code: 7826
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-782-7
  • Pages: 118
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback xxvi+92

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On Old Age is a gentle text. It has the capacity to soothe us when we read it as much as it must have soothed Cicero to write it. It pleases because of its great good sense and lack of sentimentality; because it deals so straightforwardly with a complicated topic that none of us can avoid; and in the end because it gives an answer which will satisfy most of its readers to the famous question "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (I Corinthians xv.55).

For anyone interested in Roman history or ancient philosophy, or reading the classics in translation.

Special Features

  • Introduction to On Old Age
  • Clear striking rendition
  • Glossary of historical and mythical figures and places
  • Two appendixes: Memorable Passages Quoted by Cicero in On Old Age and an annotated bibliography on Old Age in Literature.

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