Vulgate of Mark with the Synoptic Parallels, The

  • By author: Dale A. Grote
  • Product Code: 8350
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-835-0
  • Availability: In stock

The Vulgate of Mark with the Synoptic Parallels empowers intermediate Latin students to read an engaging narrative in accessible prose. Parallel passages from Matthew and Luke, along with historical and grammatical notes, introduce students to a historical-textual approach to reading and interpreting these texts.

The readings from Matthew and Luke allow students to see how real authors expressed similar ideas in different ways, inviting students to think critically about the texts.

Special Features

  • Introduction ♦ Mark and His Gospel ♦ The Interconnectedness of the First Three Gospels ♦ Redaction Criticism as Used in This Book ♦ The Vulgate ♦ Vulgate and Classical Latin ♦ Notes about This Book - Suggestions for Using This Book
  • Unadapted Latin of the Vulgate of Mark and the parallel passages from Matthew and Luke, divided by pericope
  • Introduction to each pericope
  • Facing-page running vocabulary
  • Facing-page historical and grammatical notes
  • Map of Sites Mentioned in the Synoptics
  • Suggestions for Further Inquiry
  • Complete glossary

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Average rating 8 out of 10 ( based on 3 reviews )

An academic help to the Bible

Review by Phillip on 2/5/2017

We're using Grote's book in our Latin study group, and so far have found it to be a very fine transition text from elementary to intermediate Latin. He leverages the widely accepted two-source synoptic hypothesis and priority of Mark to provide readers lots of "doable" Latin. The running vocabulary and grammatical notes make preparation a breeze. His historical/linguistic commentary, while not breaking any new ground, aptly outlines the central issues in each passage (pericope). Our discussions are informed and collegial as a result. We also appreciate having all of Mark, and not just pre-selected excerpts. A good text.

An aid to Scripture Study

Review by Tony on 2/5/2017

I need to make a disclaimer for this review. A am mentioned in Dr. Grote's preface. I use "The Vulgae of Mark with the Synoptic Parallels" as a resource for a Catholic Mens' Scripture study. Many of us attended the Latin Mass and some were altar boys, the Latin is a familiar but mysterious language for many. As we began our study the men brought their personal Bibles and as we read passages aloud, the differences of translations were obvious. Questions arose about the difficulties of translating from one language to another, questions of nuances of meaning, historical and differing cultural contexts and possible preconceived expectations of the translator/s. Dr. Grote's book has helped me to add to our discussions and understanding of the different versions of the Bible. And personally it is one more tool in my never ending struggle to become a better Latin scholar.

The Vulgate of Mark

Review by John on 1/11/2017

The book is set up well, with short passages from Mark accompanied by parallels from Luke and Matthew. The comments on Latin grammar on the facing page are helpful. But Dr. Grote uses his book to foist his theological agenda on the unsuspecting reader. One example: on page 77 - Jesus teaching in parables - Dr. Grote writes: "docebat eos...dicebat illis, Jesus teaches the outsiders (eos) in parables but he explains his meaning to his inner circle (illis)." There is no support for such a statement. Eos and illis mean "these" and "those” and the original Greek is "autous" and "autois" - the accusative and dative of the same word. The outsiders vs insiders idea is the foundation of the Gnostic heresy. Dr. Grote advocates Markan priority and “Q,” – the other Gospel writers copied Mark and edited him willy nilly. In addition, there is no evidence Q ever existed. The barrage of liberal theology detracts from the book's value. Caveat emptor.

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