
Press Coverage

Duo Keeps Classics Alive

(BarringtonCourier-Review, Dec. 7, 2006 Cathy Trawinski-Lake Barrington Shores) — Located just five miles from Lake Barrington Shores, but worlds away from the typical fare of 21st century book publishers, is Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. Run by Lou and Marie Bolchazy, their niche firm specializes in the classics. The Greek and Latin classics, that is. Marie said their mission is as a bridge from the ancient world and that Latin and the humanities live.

Part of their inventory/catalog of classics are of a scholastic nature. They publish 18 books on Vergil alone — he is the most profitable author for the company. A close second is Catullus, who is one of the most read of the ancient authors in high schools today.

Bolchazy-Carducci publishes workbooks, transition books for textbooks, flash card books and more. Home schoolers use their products along with Barrington High School and Stevenson High School students. Marie also has written a series of Latin picture books for small children with a companion CD.

Another editorial endeavor of Marie's is Classical Considerations: Useful Wisdom from Greece and Rome. It is a compilation of 54 essays, poems and other writings by people in all walks of life, including professors, students and even football coach Joe Paterno. The contributors show how ancient wisdom connects with their contemporary understanding of the world. 

"It's not 'Chicken Soup' — it's people reflecting on what's happened in their lives. Some pieces move you to tears. Some pieces have changed the author's lives," Marie said.

Lou called it a beautiful book, a collection of significant aphorisms. Marie worked on Classical Considerations for two years and organized the pieces by topic, such as fate, time, war and art. The book is available at Border'sBarnes and Noble and at

A major project for Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is a one volume, 880 page English language edition of the speeches and proclamations of Adolf Hitler. The Essential Hitler: Speeches and Commentary is an abridged version of a four volume set they published from 1990–2004. 

The compilation is in its final editing phase which Marie is working on while Lou is working on the maps. It should be available early next year. The book will sell for about $40 at mass merchandisers and there are already several thousand pre-orders. 

"This is the document of the century for scholars and others who want to know what happened," Lou said. 

"The four volume set is a reputable set of books; it was deemed necessary for Jewish and gentile scholars. It got fantastic reviews," he continued. The audience for The Essential Hitler is the interested lay person, and World War II and Third Reich buffs. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. is also interested in the work. 

Another branch of the company specializes in publishing Slovak history books. Lou was born in Czechoslovakia and has edited Illustrated Slovak History: A Struggle for Sovereignty in Central Europe. For a different approach, he used two Slovak authors to come up with a book showing more than one side of history. 

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers began 28 years ago with one employee: Lou. They were previously located in Oak Park and on Michigan Avenue in Chicago and moved to Wauconda in 1988. Now, they have 13 employees who cover everything from office manager, bookkeeper, customer service and order entry to senior editor, designer and warehousing.

"We do everything here but printing," said Marie. In October, Lou and Marie received the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award from the Illinois Classical Conference. 

For more information, visit Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers online at