An Introduction to Greek


This standard textbook introduces students to ancient Greek in an organized, systematic way. Review lessons are included at logical intervals and the last six of 79 chapters are reviews of participles, infinitives, subjunctives, optatives, imperatives, and indicatives.

A "New Introduction" by Dr. Thomas Fleming and "An Appreciation" by Dr. James G. Keenan offer new insights into this old favorite.

Special Features

  • Greek to English and English to Greek exercises in each chapter
  • Review lessons at logical intervals
  • Greek to English Glossary
  • English to Greek Glossary
  • Complete grammatical appendix
  • Reading selections from standard, classical authors
  • Useful additional information on word formation, ancient Greek culture, and etymology
  • Photographs of ancient sites, sculptures, and vase paintings

Write a Review

The two new forewords to this reprint of a 1928 American ‘old warhorse’ view it through a haze of conservative and Catholic nostalgia, with approving comments on (inter alios) Xenophon, Gibbon, Kipling, and Gilbert Highet — and a gratuitous swipe at Reading Greek (‘more ungainly than any camel’). The book is nonetheless more than a historical curiosity. It is probably not suitable for modern schoolchildren (the vocabulary prescribed for learning though a manageable 600 words is not a good match with GCSE), but would be a serious possibility for older beginners. Indeed in its day it must have been radical, for example in its early introduction of the subjunctive and optative on the grounds of their frequency in Greek authors. In every chapter (alongside dated sentiments, and pictures of sites in interestingly unrestored condition) the exercises and aids for the learner are practical and sometimes ingenious. The order in which grammatical features are introduced is well thought out (cases in the tables are in American order, with accusative last). Much ground is covered in short compass. Essentially it is a fuller and transatlantic Wilding.

by: John Taylor,– JACT