Greek Readings for Review: First Lessons in Greek

  • Author: Adolf Kaegi
  • Product Code: 5491
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-549-6
  • Publisher: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Inc.
  • Pages: 153
  • Availability: In stock

Designed as a complement to the popular Kaegi's Greek Grammar, this volume is aimed at building fluidity and ease of translation through readings, exercises, guided review of grammar, and memorization of vocabulary. The reading lessons are keyed to review from Kaegi's Greek Grammar, and progress from what are essentially drills of single words in the first pages to single sentences of increasing complexity. The lessons are supplemented halfway through by optional, connected-paragraph readings. English-to-Greek translation exercises are included after each reading lesson. A selection of more advanced readings from Ancient Greek authors rounds out the text. All readings have vocabulary, grammar, translation, and background help in footnotes, as well as a vocabulary of words frequently met in ancient Greek authors (and meant to be memorized), arranged in the back according to the individual lessons. Also included are a brief, helpful section, "Some Rules of Syntax," and two indices: a "List of Greek Words" and "List of English Words."

Special Features

  • Reading lessons of increasing difficulty and sophistication, all keyed to grammar review
  • Same-page footnotes provide aid in vocabulary, grammar, translation, and background
  • Vocabulary for memorization, arranged by lesson, in the back
  • English to Greek exercises drive home grammar review
  • Supplementary connected-paragraph readings
  • Brief, helpful "Some Rules of Syntax"
  • Two indices: "List of Greek Words" and "List of English Words"

Write a Review
Greek Readings For Review Adolf Kaegi & James A. Kleist Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers 1000 Brown St, #101 Wauconda IL 60084 0865165491 $29.00 The collaborative effort of the late Greek language experts and educators Adolf Kaegi and James A. Kleist, Greek Readings For Review: First Lessons In Greek is a classic text for study of the classical Greek language, which first published in 1902 as a complement to "Kaegi's Greek Grammar." Each individual reading lesson is specifically designed to review subject matter from Kaegi's Greek Grammar, as well as providing drills on single words and increasingly complex sentences. Additionally, Greek Readings For Review features English-to-Greek translation exercises, and optional connected-paragraph readings to fill the pages of this excellent and enduring popular resource for students coming to grips with the intricacies of ancient Greek -- and a "user friendly" classroom resource that has rightfully passed the test of time.
by: James Cox,– Midwest Book Review
Whilst Bolchazy-Carducci have to be congratulated for having reissued some extremely useful out-of-print language textbooks, "Greek Readings for Review" is in many ways an odd choice to republish. This volume was originally published in 1902 and one can only pity the poor students for whom its early sections were indeed their 'First Lessons in Greek'. Early exercises involve translating first from, then into, Greek and these are interspersed with occasional continous passages. The layout is cramped and confusing and the sentences generally of the kind 'The Erinyes persecute the wicked with fire and scourges' (pg 26). On the positive side, exercises allow review of a limited range of material but their potential for classroom use to the supplement other material is limited since the course's approach to grammar and the vocabulary used hardly chime with that of, say, "Reading Greek or Athenaze." The book's main strength, though, is its 'Selections for Reading' (pp 77-96) and its 23-page supplement which together form a useful resource of adapted passages: many of these mightfruitfully be used by students making that difficult transition from a course book to studying unadapted Greek, or to boost the confidence of an 'A'-Level or advanced language class. Indeed, in this respect "Greek Readings for Review" serves to highlight a very real gap in the market which, I am sure, many of those charged with teaching Greek at post-beginners level would like to see filled - but by better designed, more user-friendly books that this!
by: James Robson,– Jact Review