Latin Literature Workbook Series: These workbooks are a teacher’s dream—providing all the activities and exercises needed to reinforce the careful reading of classical authors in the original. Sets of exercises engage students with the text and lead them to a heightened understanding of the literary, thematic, poetic, and rhetorical accomplishments of the work.
Special Features
- the Latin text of Amores 1.1, 1.3, 1.9, 1.11, 1.12, 3.15 and the Metamorphoses 1.452–567, 4.55–166, 8.183–235, 8.616–724, 10.238–297
- multiple choice questions on grammar, syntax, figures of speech, comprehension, and more for each poem
- Questions on syntax and forms for each poem
- short and long essay type questions for each poem
- vocabulary building exercises
- a Latin to English glossary
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"An Ovid Workbook" is an excellent ancillary piece for the upper-level high school class studying Ovid. The material is written for the "Amores" and "Metamorphoses" selections included in the Advanced Placement curriculum, but may easily be used with the International Baccalaureate curriculum as well. The exercises are well-conceived and include vocabulary work as well as multiple-choice, short-answer, and grammar drills, all of which are very user-friendly and need little explanation on the part of the teacher. The exercises can be assigned as homework, or would be equally effective as in-class quizzes.
by: C. Murphy,–
Reinforce Ovid's grammar, meter, rhetorical devices and much more in this workbook.