Ovid: Amores, Metamorphoses Selections 3rd Edition : Annotated Latin Collection

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This bestseller now features 277 more lines of Ovid! The updated version includes Metamorphoses I.1-88 and X.1-85 and Amores 2.19 and 3.12.


The source of Ovid's enduring appeal is obvious: his Amores are written with the wit and humor—and sometimes the regret—of one who has seen love firsthand. His Metamorphoses, an epic tale of transformations, is the sparkling work of a consummate storyteller.


This edition is organized to facilitate reading, comprehension, and enjoyment of a poet whose sometimes startling voice rings as clear and true today as it did in his own day.


Special Features

  • introduction to each passage
  • Latin texts of eight Amores and seven selections from the Metamorphoses
  • same-page grammatical/syntactical/vocabulary notes
  • glossaries of metrical terms and figures of speech
  • high-frequency vocabulary list
  • translation tips for reading Ovid
  • topical bibliography


Please note that in the 2013 printing of the student edition of Ovid: Amores, Metamorphoses Selections, Third Edition, the glossary is missing some entries. Subsequent printings will contain a complete glossary. Missing entries for the 2013 edition are available to download click here.

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