The Cicero: A LEGAMUS Transitional Reader contains 103 lines from Cicero's Pro Archia. Innovative text combines special visual features—including line alignments based on meaning with the "pass through" method—to unpack Cicero's complex prose. Copious notes and reader aids along with facing vocabulary make this text an excellent introduction to Cicero and smoothes the way for upper level Latin reading. Resources include an introduction to Cicero, bibliography, grammatical appendix, figures of speech appendix, and a downloadable file of the basic vocabulary list found on this product page in the Digital Content tab.
Selections (103 lines) from Pro Archia: 4.2-4, 5.1-3, 5.4-6, 6.1, 6.2-3, 7.1-3, 12 entire, 13.1, 14.1-3, 18.4-5, 19 entire, 23 entire, 24.1-3, 28 entire, 29 entire, 31 entire, 1 entire, 2 entire, and 3 entire.
Special Features
- "pass through" approach that begins with the main statement and adds clauses with each "pass"
- transitional aids: lines aligned to facilitate comprehension, implied words in parentheses, difficult noun-adjective pairings in different fonts
- complete vocabulary and grammatical notes on facing pages
- Second, unaltered text with vocabulary and literary and metrical notes
- post-reading materials that encourage appreciation of Cicero’s style, reflection on what has been read, and making connections to the modern world