Gavin Townend

Gavin Townend

Gavin Townend (1919-2010) was professor of Latin at Durham University from 1966 until his retirement in 1984; he previously taught at Liverpool University from 1946 to 1966. Townend studied at Merton College, Oxford University. He authored several articles and books, including The Augustan Poets and the Permissive Society (Abbey Press, 1972) and Caesar's War in Alexandria (Bristol Classical Press and Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1988).

Books by Gavin Townend

Caesar's War in Alexandria

  • Author: Gavin Townend
  • 2190
  • 978-0-86516-219-8

Caesar's campaign in Egypt, from the autumn of 48 BC to March of 47 BC, was a self-contained episode in the career of Rome's greatest general. This description of the events at Alexandria forms a continuous narrative that represents Latin at its clearest, devoid of the artificiality that often makes Latin historical writing so difficult for those who are not experts. Along with a simplicity of language and a narrative that is focused and interesting, the book includes an informative introduction covering Caesar's career, the war in Alexandria, and the style of Caesar and Hirtius, who is believed to have completed Caesar's writing on the subject. Insightful commentary and extensive vocabulary also are included in the volume.

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