Robin Bond

Robin Bond

Robin Bond joined the staff of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand in 1966, where he later completed a doctorate on the impact of Stoicism on the Satires of Horace. Satire and the live theatre have been his focus of work and his passion during his long teaching career at Canterbury, where he still teaches in the Department of Classics and, as a guest, from time to time in the Department of Theatre and Film. Long interested in the translation of ancient dramatic texts for the modern stage, Professor Bond has latterly become interested also in the performing aspects of other Latin literary genres, especially of satire and of oratory.

Books by Robin Bond

Performing Cicero's Speeches

  • Readings and Performance: Jon Hall,
  • 7389
  • 978-0-86516-738-4

How exactly did Cicero perform his speeches? This video uses guidelines on voice and gesture from rhetorical treatises to reconstruct Cicero's oratorical delivery in a theatrical workshop environment. Passages discussed and performed are drawn from Cicero's Pro Caelio, Pro Milone, Pro Ligario, Pro Archia, In Catilinam 2, and Philippic 6. Bring Cicero's speeches alive! Includes a booklet of the Latin text and translation of all passages.
