Horace Fully Parsed: Word by Word: Books I and II of Horace Odes

  • Introduction: Thomas J. Sienkewicz
  • Product Code: 5521
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-552-6
  • Pages: 282
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback vi

The Latin text of Books I and II of Horace's Odes is included along with notes for each word. The notes give complete grammatical, syntactical, mythological, geographical, historical, and vocabulary information. A literal translation of each ode is included at the back of the book.

Special Features

  • Each word is fully parsed in the notes at the bottom of each page
  • The lines of the odes are numbered sequentially beginning with Ode 1, Book I through Ode 20, Book II
  • The sequential numbering is a unique aid to finding the English translation of the line of Latin in the translation section at the back of the book
  • These aids should be exceedingly helpful to teachers who are faced with the daunting task of teaching Horace's Odes, especially the first time

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