Horace: Satire 1.9: The Boor

Paperback xvi
Complete text based on the Oxford Wickham-Garrod edition, with introduction, notes on same and facing pages, complete vocabulary in back.
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This slim volume of Horace Satire 1.9: The Boor by Margaret A. Brucia and Madeleine M. Henry opens with an encouraging and enthusiastic Preface. The Introduction is clear and is not at all pedantic and could easily be read aloud by students in class as an introduction to this Satire. Nothing is taken for granted. All terms are explained — in particular the history of the word ‘satire’ is nicely handled. There is a clear synopsis of the plot, which would give students a sense of security and good orientation to the plot. The Latin text is printed on the right hand page and notes are provided on the facing page and also underneath the Latin text. In conclusion, this book would make a fine addition to a collection on Horace, especially for a teacher who had never taught Horace before. The authors have provided a carefully prepared text, which is accesible and practical.”
by: Vi Patek,– CAES Newsletter
Brucia and Henry’s clear and useful commentary on Satire 1.9 makes a required text for the Horace Advanced Placement syllabus available in an inexpensive, single-text format. Aimed at A. P. or college-level readers, the student’s volume includes several illustrations. A brief preface precedes a concise introduction to a) Horace’s life and works, b) Satire before Horace, c) Horace’s satire, d) Satire after Horace, and e) the poem at hand. The annotated poem is followed by a glossary of literary figures found in the text. A bibliography (not annotated) and a vocabulary conclude the main volume. The disappointing teacher’s guide consists of a large print reproduction of the text, a sometimes-quirky literal translation, and 19 questions, some aimed at discussion and others at eliciting information (e.g., ‘give two qualities of Maecenas’ or ‘explain the alliteration’). Some nudge the student toward a specific reaction, perhaps inadvertently curtailing discussion (e.g., ‘why do lines 8-13 cause us to smile’). In the commentary, notes for a given section begin on the left page and continue under the text itself at the bottom of the right-hand page, with line numbers in the upper right hand corner. Clearly stated syntax help is aimed appropriately at advanced high-school readers. A judicious balance of background material supplies enough information to facilitate reading the poem without overwhelming the reader.
by: Jeanne O'Neill,– The Classical Outlook