Latin for the New Millenium

Second Edition FAQs

So, what's new about the Second Edition?

For an overview of the changes and new materials in the Second Edition, click here.

For a more specific, chapter by chapter, with page references, roster of changes, click on the level.

How can I see some samples of the Second Edition texts for LNM, Levels 1 and 2?

The SAMPLES section of the LNM website now features sample chapters and pages from the Second Edition texts.

Is it possible to use copies of the First Edition and copies of the Second Edition in the same class?

In addition to the new materials like the additional exercises and the enhanced attention to derivatives, the pagination of the second edition significantly differs from that in the first edition. Thus, it would be problematic to use both editions in the same class.

When can I buy the Second Edition of Latin for the New Millennium, Levels 1 and 2?

The Second Edition will be available for purchase in 2017.

What about a Second Edition for LNM, Level 3?

Latin for the New Millennium, Level 3, was reprinted in 2014 with corrections and some image replacements.

We recently adopted Latin for the New Millennium, First Edition. Will copies of the first edition remain available as replacements are needed?

Yes, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is committed to having copies of the first edition available for such needs.