Latin Aloud: Audio AP* Selections from Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Cicero, and Horace

  • Readings and Performance: Robert Sonkowsky
  • Product Code: 00007
  • ISBN: 8-29218-00007-3
  • Publisher: Bolchazy-Carducci
  • Availability: In stock

Latin Aloud presents 101 Latin Masterworks on CD. With a run-time of over five hours, these dramatic interpretations by a master of the Restored Classical Pronunciation, Dr. Robert P. Sonkowsky, play on any computer and most contemporary CD and DVD players.


These 101 recordings contain:
Vergil AP* Selections — Aeneid, Georgics, Eclogues
Catullus AP* Selections — 34 Poems, Including Catullus 64
Ovid AP* Selections — Amores, Metamorphoses
Cicero AP* Selections — de Amicitia and Pro Archia (entire)
Horace AP* Selections — 17 Odes, Satire 1.9


Special Features

  • Tracks broken into individual poems, odes, and digestible portions of longer works.
  • Accompanies any of Bolchazy-Carducci’s Latin author readers and workbooks.


Latin Aloud list of audio recordings on the CD.

Sample Audio Files
Aeneid 2_40-56

Cicero Pro Archia 144-183_Confimatio

Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Your students can learn from a master!

Review by Alicia on 2/13/2014

Dr. Sonkowsky brings these passages to life in a way that will enthrall and inspire students. His performance is masterful. What better way to give your students a perfect model of pronunciation, rhythm, and elision? Students love to imitate his deep, resonant voice. The 101 tracks are clearly marked and easily accessible through a clear menu. Indispensable to anyone who teaches poetry (my students don't take even the AP, but we find the selections here a perfect complement to a poetry survey course).

Write a Review
I received Latin Aloud today and the sound is magnificent. As a person who is enamored with diction and phonetics, I stand amazed at Professor Sonkowski's ability to emote and deliver with conviction and authority the beauty of this so called dead language. Greg Leach
by: Greg Leach– 

Recordings of Roman poetry and prose ready for your mp3 player