Plato: Apology

  • Author: James J. Helm
  • Product Code: 3480
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-348-5
  • Pages: 137
  • Availability: In stock

An annotated Greek text of Plato's Apology of Socrates (complete), the revised 2003 edition of this popular textbook has many student-friendly features that include vocabulary and grammatical notes now on the same page and pages facing the text, and three new appendices.

Special Features

  • Complete, unadapted Greek text of Plato’s Apology with critical apparatus
  • Same- and facing-page vocabulary and grammatical notes
  • Three appendices: Sentence Diagrams (for long/complex sentences), Principal Parts (listed both by Stephanus page and alphabetically), Word Frequency List (arranged by part of speech)
  • Vocabulary of words appearing more than once
  • Select bibliography

Write a Review
Our brevity is indicative of our high praise for the quality and usefulness of your commentary-it is splendid and sanely done and excellently met the needs of my students (whose abilities, by the way, ranged from brilliant to nearly hopeless). As a matter of fact, they quit reading the notes of Dyer and Seymour at all, thereby missing what few useful notes there are in that old text. I see no need at all to continue using Dyer and Seymour-Helm’s work may in some ways be less ambitious, but it is far superior to its predecessor.
by: F. Philips,– Vanderbilt University
I’ve found it very helpful . . . makes teaching a lot easier. Students have been generally favorable. I’m glad you’re already running to a 2nd edition!
by: Elizabeth Belfiore,– University of Minnesota
Both students in the Plato class said they found the notes helpful,...I and the students do appreciate the help your notes provided them. Certainly they had fewer troubles with the text of the Apology after they acquired your notes than before.
by: John Stambaugh,– Williams College
In general, we found your commentary most useful. Your notes are lucid, helpful, and almost always to the point: in most cases they avoid the sort of artificial erudition which characterizes many other commentaries but which is of marginal interest to students at the beginning level. Your references to Smyth are invaluable.... I have every confidence that the book will serve a purpose both useful and necessary to instruction of intermediate Greek. B-C does a very nice job: congratulations!
by: Brent Sinclar,– University of Manitoba