Jan Novak (1921-1984), who is part of the Moravain music tradition represented by composers like Leos Janacek and Bohuslav Martinu, set to music secular Latin authors of antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times. His work is based on the syllable quantities of the Latin language. Novak brings the rhythm of Latin alive in a very distinctive way.
A cassette with musical arrangement of:
- Catullus (34)
- Catullus (5)
- Catullus (61)
- Horace (Carm. 1, 22)
- Horace (Carm. 1,2)
- Horace (epod. 15)
- Gaudeamus Igitur, Anth. Lat. (388)
- Caesar (BG 1, 1-3)
- Carmina Burana (142)
- Carmina Burana (85)
- Martial (10,62)
- Phaedrus (1,13)
The cassette is accompanied by a libretto with original Latin text and English translation on facing pages. Music score also available.
Ask the Ancients: Astonishing Advice for Daily Dilemmas
Author: Sylvia Gray
Illustrator: Lydia Koller