Composer Jan Novak's haunting choral rendition of Vergil's ancient poetry commences with the voice of Dido the queen, foreshadowing a tragic tale of love and duty. Widely acclaimed in Europe, Novak's Dido and Mimus Magicus is now available to American audiences in a CD recording and a 3-language libretto.
Novak, a student of Bohuslav Martinu, was fascinated by the sound and rhythm of Latin poetry. His Dido brings the sound and fury of Vergil into the home, the classroom and the symphony hall.
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Latin Aloud: Audio AP* Selections from Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Cicero, and Horace
Readings and Performance: Robert Sonkowsky
Latin Music Through the Ages Lafayette Chamber Singers - CD
Conductor: Clayton Lein
Author: Cynthia Kaldis