Political intrigue: a novel on the life of Julius Caesar.
Marcus Caelius Rufus, a young politician, has holed up in a country town in the midst of a bloody and prolonged civil war. Great forces contend for Rome, and Caelius has ties to them all—the charismatic Julius Caesar, his beloved teacher Cicero, the hero Pompey the Great. Which side is he on? He must choose. Now he must reconsider who he is: his childhood and education, his loves and friendships, his complex relationship to Caesar, the man who has come to dominate his life. Before he is done, he will discover the shocking truth about Caesar, about Rome, and about himself. This book is a vivid and exciting read.
Special Features
- Based on historical documents of the time: letters, histories, commentaries, poems, all translated by the author in new and dynamic versions
- Contains portraits of all the great figures of the late Roman Republic: Caesar and Cicero, Pompey, Cato, Mark Antony, Curio, Caelius and a host of others
- May be read independently as a single novel, or as the third volume of the trilogy The Key, The Lock, The Door in the Wall
- Features maps of Rome and the Empire, specially drawn for the novel
- Includes reader-friendly list of Principal Characters and a Chronology of Events in the novel

Experience ancient Rome and Julius Caesar in this exhilarating historical novel.