Vergil's Aeneid 10 & 12: Pallas & Turnus

Paperback xii+44

This annotated and selected intermediate-level Latin text is designed as a supplement to Pharr's Aeneid, for college, AP*, and high school classrooms. This edition provides the current AP* syllabus passages from the last six books of Vergil's masterpiece, the Aeneid. It is excellent for college use, as well, to give students using Pharr a sample of readings beyond the first six books.


Special Features

  • Introduction for each section
  • Selected Latin text of Vergil’s Aeneid 10.420–509 and 12.791–842, 887–952
  • Same-page notes and vocabulary
  • Complete vocabulary
Write a Review
For those students who have read and enjoyed the Aeneid using Pharr’s textbook, this supplement will allow teachers to present additional passages seamlessly into the curriculum.
by: Sharon Kazmierski,– Latinteach
Barbara Weiden Boyd’s textbook of the new lines is welcome [...]. The notes are well done and helpful without doing the student’s work for them. The work as a whole is extremely well done and should be widely used. For all AP programs which have been using a text of books 1-6 [...] this is unquestionably the ancillary text to use for the revised syllabus. Its excellence guarentees that it will not be so only in default of other options.
by: John Higgins,– The Gilbert School
The notes are more than scholarly: they are practical. More than once Boyd tells the reader in what word order to ‘take’ a clause or phrase. This kind of information is often a salvation for students — and for teachers, too. The author has explained so very many things to the reader, and the notes are a virtual source of knowledge in and of themselves. Anybody can pull lines out of a work, but not everyone can bring the lines alive and make the text work the way Boyd has with the notes. [...] This book was a joy to review.”
by: Gaylan DuBose,– Fulmore Middle School and Guardian Angel Academy
Advanced Placement teachers will cheer the arrival of Barbara Weiden Boyd’s commentary on the new selections on the AP Vergil syllabus (Aeneid 10.420-509, 12.791-842, 887-952). An expert on Roman poetry, veteran grader of AP Latin exams, and former member and chair of the AP Latin Test Development Committee, Boyd was an ideal candidate to undertake this project. No teacher of Vergil should be without this book.
by: T. Dix,– University of Georgia