Who knew the ancient world could be so funny? This collection of cartoons was taken from the archives covering 26 years of publication of Pompeiiana, a newsletter devoted to student-developed material. Popular topics for the cartoons include Medusa (e.g., her chicken-haired cousin), Julius Caesar (e.g., Caesar reforms the colander), the Trojan War (e.g., Ulysses getting a Trojan warrior to shout his comments thus making the Trojan hoarse) as well as commentary on Caligula's horse in the senate (always voting "neigh"∫) and Horatius playing cards or Horatius at bridge.
Visit: Pompeiiana Newsletter blog. The Pompeiiana Newsletter was created and edited by Bernard Barcio and ran from 1974 through 2003. Pompeiiana offered a place for Latin students to publish comics, stories, games, and articles, and was a beloved resource for Latin teachers. In 2008, Barcio granted Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers the rights for all of Pompeiiana. This blog will make all 229 issues freely available to Latin teachers, students, and others interested in Classics, one issue per day.

Vergil's Aeneid 10 & 12 : Pallas & Turnus: Teacher's Guide
Vergil's Aeneid 10 & 12: Pallas & Turnus