Brad Tillery

Brad Tillery

Brad Tillery teaches Latin at North Oconee High School, Oconee County, Georgia. Tillery received a BA and an MEd from Georgia College and State University. He is coauthor with Richard LaFleur of Ovid Vocabulary Cards for AP® Selections (Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2007), Wheelock's Latin GrammarQuick! (Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2007), Cumulative Chapter Vocabulary Lists for Wheelock's Latin, 2nd Edition (Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2011), and Vocabulary Cards and Grammatical Forms Summary for Wheelock's Latin, 2nd Edition (Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2011).

Books by Brad Tillery

Cumulative Chapter Vocabulary Lists for Wheelock's Latin: Second Edition

This book contains 40 cumulative vocabulary lists corresponding to the 40 chapters of Wheelock's Latin (7th Edition) that can be used as a handy resource for student study and review, and as a convenient reference tool for teachers preparing quizzes and composing Latin sentences for translation on tests and in class.

Paperback iv + 289
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Ovid Vocabulary Cards for AP* Selections

These vocabulary cards allow students an easy way to memorize Latin vocabulary words that appear five or more times in the AP* Ovid syllabus selections. The cards are divided into three groups: (1) words occurring 15 or more times, (2) words occurring 9–14 times, and (3) words occurring 5–8 times. Students can memorize Latin to English or English to Latin, and use the cards to help them memorize the full lexical forms of the Latin vocabulary words. These cards make vocabulary review a breeze!

Paperback Perforated Pages of Cards

Vocabulary Cards and Grammatical Forms Summary for Wheelock's: 2nd edition


This indispensable study aid contains nearly 900 cards, arranged chapter-by-chapter to accompany all forty chapters of Wheelock's Latin (7th edition), each with full, unabbreviated Latin vocabulary entry, chapter number, and card number on one side, and English meanings and derivatives or cognates on the reverse side.


Wheelock's Latin GrammarQuick!

A quick and complete overview of Latin grammar—both forms and usage—on six durably coated cards, five-hole punched for easy insertion into notebooks. Arranged by part of speech, with summaries of all forms and the most common syntax, including case uses and subjunctive clauses. An essential companion to Wheelock's Latin and all introductory texts, and a handy reference guide for intermediate and more advanced students as well.

Shrink wrapped cards varnished 3-hole punched cardstock