This indispensable study aid contains nearly 900 cards, arranged chapter-by-chapter to accompany all forty chapters of Wheelock's Latin (7th edition), each with full, unabbreviated Latin vocabulary entry, chapter number, and card number on one side, and English meanings and derivatives or cognates on the reverse side.
These cards are for use with Wheelock's Latin, by Frederic M. Wheelock and Richard A. LaFleur, published by HarperCollins and available through your local bookstore or at; "Wheelock's" is a trademark of Martha Wheelock and Deborah Wheelock-Taylor.
Special Features
- two easily assembled storage boxes for cards
- an alphabetical list of all words with their card numbers
- suggestions on vocabulary study and use of the cards
- a handy Summary of Forms for grammar reference and review
Buying a Second Copy
These cards are great and I could not be without them. They come in pages and need to be separated but that does not take much time. I did it as needed. It is not necessary to separate all cards at once. Good size. A little soft paper but last nicely. The paper boxes are not practical but it was easy for me to buy nice clear plastic container perfect for the size of these cards. I use the Leitner System to memorize my Latin vocabulary. It is well described on the internet. These cards are perfect to be used with Leitner system.
These vocabulary cards are a must. I use them all the time. I can carry some new with me and study waiting on a line. Highly recommend. Card are easy to separate. They do not need to be separated all at once. Couple of chapters a day or whichever chapter one is woking on. I bough my own box which fits all of the cards and I like to keep them by chapter. I am considering purchesing a second book of cards to use for study with Leitner system.