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Greek Readings for Review: First Lessons in Greek
- Author: Adolf Kaegi
- 5491
- 978-0-86516-549-6
- Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Inc.
- 153
Designed as a complement to the popular Kaegi's Greek Grammar, this volume is aimed at building fluidity and ease of translation through readings, exercises, guided review of grammar, and memorization of vocabulary. The reading lessons are keyed to review from Kaegi's Greek Grammar, and progress from what are essentially drills of single words in the first pages to single sentences of increasing complexity. The lessons are supplemented halfway through by optional, connected-paragraph readings. English-to-Greek translation exercises are included after each reading lesson. A selection of more advanced readings from Ancient Greek authors rounds out the text. All readings have vocabulary, grammar, translation, and background help in footnotes, as well as a vocabulary of words frequently met in ancient Greek authors (and meant to be memorized), arranged in the back according to the individual lessons. Also included are a brief, helpful section, "Some Rules of Syntax," and two indices: a "List of Greek Words" and "List of English Words."
Traditional Themes and Homeric Hymns
- 0376
- 978-0-86516-037-8
- Paperback
- Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- 403
The Homeric Hymns have long stood in the immense shadow of Homer and Hesiod. Yet they are delightful in their own right and our source for several of the most intriguing Greek myths.
They Said It First The Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
- By author: Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr.
- 8644
- 978-0-86516-864-0
They Said It First provides a unique twist on quotation collections: ancient Greek and Roman sayings, alongside English translations, are paired with their more modern counterparts. The likes of W. E. B. Dubois and Mark Twain may have eloquently expressed eternal truths and pithy witticisms—but frequently, Homer or Seneca the Younger got there first.