This ancillary text for first-year high school Latin students or for students beginning their second semester of college Latin presents six short selections from Vergil's Aeneid, each accompanied by grammar exercises and vocabulary aids.
The design of the book works for either grammar-based or reading-based approaches, or some mixture of the two. The different sections in the book can be used in whatever order the teacher finds most effective. Grammar exercises present and review key elements of grammar for each reading selection, and Latin synonyms promote reading comprehension. The use of this reading supplement near the end of students' most basic Latin study will help the students develop the ability to handle Latin literature as they reach an advanced level.
Special Features
- an introduction to epic, Classical deities, and Vergil's life
- a summary of the Aeneid
- a playlet introducing the storyline
- metrical study
- 6 selections of reading passages
- - from Books I, II, IV, and VI
- - using Latin-to-Latin vocabulary facing the page and Latin-to-English vocabulary aids on the same page
- - with illustrations for each selection
- - with an English introduction to the context of each passage
- - with discussion and comprehension questions
- grammar exercises designed for each selection, with accompanying word bank
- a Latin-to-English glossary

· an introduction to epic, Classical deities, and Vergil's life · a summary of the Aeneid · a playlet introducing the storyline · metrical study · 6 selections of reading passages o from Books I, II, IV, and VI o using Latin-to-Latin vocabulary facing the page and Latin-to-English vocabulary aids on the same page o with illustrations for each selection o with an English introduction to the context of each passage o with discussion and comprehension questions · grammar exercises designed for each selection, with accompanying word bank · a Latin-to-English glossary