Rome and Her Kings: Livy I: Graded Selections

  • Author: C.E. Freeman,
  • Product Code: 4509
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-450-5
  • Pages: 102
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback viii

This graded reader of 610 lines, a reprint of an original 1920 Oxford edition, presents connected excerpts from Livy I (Ab Urbe Condita). The text was designed to enhance progress in reading Latin, reinforce knowledge of grammar and syntax, reinforce grammar through Latin composition, and foster appreciation of Livy as a prose writer, historian, and moralist.

Special Features

  • 21 graded Latin readings (with macrons) with brief English introduction to each reading
  • Historical introduction
  • Notes in the back
  • Glossary of proper names
  • Latin-English and English-Latin vocabulary
  • English-to-Latin exercises keyed to points of grammar
  • Recapitulatory English-to-Latin exercises
  • 2 maps of central Italy and Rome

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