Though designed specifically for use with Wheelock's introductory Latin course, 38 Latin Stories will complement other introductory Latin courses. 38 Latin Stories contains beginning-level prose readings that gradually increase in complexity. Eighteen of the selections are original compositions recounting tales from classical mythology and are often inspired by Ovid. Twenty are adaptations of passages from Caesar, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Livy, Petronius, Pliny, Quintilian, Sallust, Terence, and Vergil with a heavy emphasis on Cicero. This fifth revised edition accommodates the changes incorporated in the seventh edition of Wheelock.
Special Features
- A graded reader provides interesting prose readings from a variety of authors
- A list of grammar mastery assumed is presented for each reading
- Correlations with Wheelock’s chapters precede each reading
- A brief introduction sets the context of each reading
- Facing vocabulary for each selection
- Latin-to-English glossary
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This little book of stories in Latin is designed to accompany
*Wheelock’s Latin.* However, it would be a pity to limit the
use of such an excellent reader to Wheelock’s method alone;
it deserves much wider application. Almost any introductory
course of Latin, at High School or College level would bene.t
from its use. The stories are well chosen for the material they
illustrate, interesting in themselves, and carefully graded for
vocabulary and grammatical construction. As each one is preceded
by a listing of the grammar taught in the accompanying
lesson, they are easily adapted to any textbook. But the great
value of the book is its avoidance of “made” Latin — that bane
of most teaching methods — since every one of the stories
is based on real Latin literature, simplified, of course, in the
beginning, but less and less so as the work advances. By using
this reader, the student will learn how classical Latin was
really written, and become painlessly acquainted with the
great Latin authors.
The little book itself is pleasing in appearance, easy to handle,
and possessed of that sober elegance characteristic of Bolchazy-Carducci
by: Mary Machado,– Classics Chronicle
Excellent... it improved my students’ reading ability and
also gave the opportunity to talk about Roman culture.
by: Robert Brown,– Vassar College
This American reader is intended as a supplement to the
one-volume Latin course by F.M. Wheelock...
The book under review, though, is presumably offered to
accompany any Latin course in need of further material.
The format is straightforward: each double-page spread
contains a passage of continuous prose between twelve and
twenty lines long with a selective running vocabulary opposite;
there is a complete glossary at the end. There is no reason
why this book should not be used on its own: the 'grammar
assumed' is indicated clearly at the top of each passage,
and the progression is a conventional one. Passages are printed
with macra, so that reading aloud could be practiced.
The first eighteen stories are ‘made-up’ Latin, for use while
linguistic knowledge is fairly rudimentary: the subject matter
is mainly Greek mythology. This might well integrate with, or
provide the basis for, a topic branching out from a straightforward
Latin course.
The later passages ... are adapted or rewritten from literature.
There is a good deal of Cicero: rhetoric from the ‘Catiline’
orations, philosophical passages from the Brutus and 'De
senectute'; the remaining pieces are ‘tasters’ for Caesar, Sallust,
Livy and Petronius and even (though transmuted into prose)
Terence, Catullus, Virgil, and Horace. Relationship with the
originals vary: in the story of Lucretia, about one word in .ve
survives from Livy, yet a passage from Sallust consists of authentic
sentences only occasionally simpli.ed by omissions.
The intention is to enrich the expository chapters of Wheelock’s
course, otherwise a rather stodgy diet of grammar, exercises
and sententiae antiquae.
Each page is attractively laid-out, typefaces are varied and
legible, and the whole is rather better advertisement for the
new printing technology than some other recent production.
Anyone looking for an easy reader to augment a conventional
Latin course could well consider this book.”
by: Ian Pratt,– JACT, England
In its Greek and Latin textbook survey, published in 1984
(Taylor and Lawall, CO 61 [1984]: 108-11), the American
Philological Association reported, not surprisingly, that Frederic
M. Wheelock’s *Latin: An Introductory Course Based on
Ancient Authors* (3rd ed., New York, NY: Barnes and Noble,
1956) was the elementary Latin text by far most widely adopted
in American colleges; even less surprising to those who
have used the book was the frequently expressed complaint
that 'Wheelock lacks connected readings' to accompany
each of the chapters. Instructors who have felt the need for
a reader with continuous passages to supplement the disconnected
sentences in Wheelock (or perhaps even to replace such
monstrosities of the grammar/translation method as Puer matrem
timebat, quae eum in viam eiciebat!) have resorted to a
variety of less than ideal alternatives. Texts that I have used
for the purpose include Ritchie’s *Fabulae Faciles* (Longman),
Lowe and Freeman’s *Livy: Rome and Her Kings* (Bolchazy),
McArdle and Suggitt’s *Per Saecula* (Longman), Cumming and
Blundell’s playlet *Auricula Meretricula* (UC Berkeley Classics
Dept.), my own *Latin Poetry for the Beginning Student*
(Longman), and, most recently, Lawall and Tafe’s *Ecce Romani*
(Longman). Of these, only *Auricula* and *Latin Poetry*
were designed specifically as companions to Wheelock, with
vocabulary and grammar accommodated to the presentation
in his text; the readings in *Auricula,* however, are too limited,
with scenes to follow only 9 of 40 chapters and spaced too far
apart to ensure continuity of the narrative, and *Latin Poetry* of
course provides only verse selections..
While not without imperfections; *Thirty-Eight Latin Stories,*
by Anne Groton and James May, succeeds in meeting the
need for a prose supplement to Wheelock, with readings to accompany
each of Chapters 5-40. The first 18 stories are original
compositions, ranging from 11 -to 18 lines and including
a brief description of ‘The Ancient Roman School’ followed
by 17 tales from classical mythology (‘The Tragic Story of
Phaethon,’ ‘The Curse of Atreus,’ ‘Laocoon and the Trojan
Horse,’ etc.). The stories to accompany Wheelock 21-40 are
slightly longer (12 to 22 lines) and are all adaptations from
classical authors, both prose and verse (done into prose), especially
Cicero (from the Catilinarians, Brutus, On Old Age, and
the Tusculan Disputations), but also Terence (from the Self-
Tormentor), Caesar on the Belgae and the Helvetians, Sallust’s
‘View of Mankind’ (from the Catilinarian Conspiracy), Catullus
5 and 109, Vergil on the Golden Age (from the Fourth
Eclogue) and the farmer’s life (Georgics 2), Horace’s ‘The
Bore’ (Satires 1.9), Livy on Lucretia and Hannibal, Petronius
on Roman education, Quintilian on Cicero’s oratory, and the
younger Pliny (excerpts from two epistles).
The Latin style and the synchronization with Wheelock’s
grammar and vocabulary are for the most part successful. Some
instructors may object to the occasional appearance in the Latin
text of forms and syntax not yet formally introduced by Wheelock
(e.g., the use of -io verbs in GM 9 before their formal
presentation in Wheelock 10, or of deponent verbs from GM
21 onward, though not introduced by Wheelock until Chapter
34) but this generally troubles the beginning student very little
and is a device familiar to those experienced with the grammarin-
context approach of such programs as Ecce Romani or the
Cambridge Latin Course: the student, for example, who reads
‘Nihil habeo quod agam’, GM 37, before Wheelock’s discussion
of relative clauses of characteristic in Chapter 38, will not
seriously misinterpret the author’s meaning, whether he construes
agam as present subjunctive or future indicative.
The book is simply laid out and very crisply printed. Following
a one-page Foreword are the 38 stories, with Latin text
on the verso, vocabulary not already introduced by Wheelock
on the recto, and a Latin-English glossary at the end; macrons
are included (though there are a few omissions, especially of
so-called ‘hidden quantities,’ e.g., the a of actio, GM 39).
I have now used the book in our LAT 101-102 sequence,
as have some of our other faculty and graduate teaching assistants.
For the most part response has been favorable; certainly
my own students find the Groton/May stories preferable to
the out-of-context, often complex or cloudy, I and, sometimes
silly Sententiae Antiquae (my students now prepare the Practice
and Review sentences for our first day on a chapter and
the Groton and May story, or a Latin Poetry reading, for our
second, with pre-selected Sententiae reserved for sight translation
as time allows: programs which spend three periods on a
Wheelock chapter might easily accommodate all three reading
activities). All of the stories provide useful insights into classical
myth or aspects of Roman life that make sense to students and
that can be profitably elaborated upon by the instructor, again
as time permits.
After using the first edition for one term, I sent the publisher
a short list of errata, nearly all of which have been corrected
in this second edition. A more thoroughgoing revision, however,
would greatly enhance the usefulness of the book: the
later narratives are occasionally too dif.cult or confusing due
to the sometimes extreme condensation and what will appear
to beginning students to be lexical and syntactical peculiarities
(e.g., the apparent anomaly of subject/verb agreement in
coeperunt quoque, GM 51); modest rewriting and expansion
of both the text and the notes would alleviate this sort of problem.
An introductory paragraph should in every instance preface
the story, to provide background and context necessary to
the student’s .rst encounter with the text (there is ample space
for this, as well as for an occasional illustration, on all of the
verso pages), And .nally, for ease of reference in note-taking at
home and in class work, line numbers might be provided.
In view of the need this text uniquely satisfies, we may appropriately
express hope for a more fully revised third edition.
Meanwhile, I would enthusiastically recommend the book to
all those who teach elementary Latin via Wheelock and wish to
provide their students from the start with continuous passages
of interesting and idiomatically sound Latin prose.
by: Richard LaFleur,– Classical Outlook