Latin Readings for Review: Elementary Latin Translation Book


Latin Readings for Review is a useful book to accompany and supplement any first-year Latin texts currently in use. The Latin is pure, simple, idiomatic, and easily understood by beginning high school and college students.

This book's greatest accomplishment is in its masterful introduction of new grammatical forms and constructions one by one in a carefully graded order. A translation piece never includes a declined form or conjunction that the student has not already learned. The student is never overwhelmed or frustrated by the material, and is encouraged to continue the learning process. Each review features two readings: one on Roman history and another from Greek mythology.

Special Features

  • 8 introductory Latin readings (with no macrons) of simple, related sentences
  • 96 graded narrative Latin readings (with no macrons)
  • Summary of grammatical forms
  • Over 30 pages of inflection review
  • Note on how to read abbreviations of Roman names
  • General glossary
  • Glossary keyed to individual readings

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